
Thursday 19 June 2014

Sneak Peek - Storage and Decoration

Hello everyone :) Life in Minsk is going pretty good - I had a very exciting day yesterday, which included an exam (passed for 8 and happy for this) and my first experience in being an enterpreter at business meeting. I loved this because I've never been talking to a foreigner in real life and it was a really great and useful experience. He said he loved my English and many other nice things. I hope I impressed some people there because I really want this job, haha!

But now closer to the subject. I thought I'd share with you some pictures of how I store my supplies and use my postcards.

I've always hated empty walls, it makes such a dull impression and sometimes even scares me. I'm used to having posters or anything else on the wall. For a year now my room is decorated with postcards. This is just a part of them, that's hanging over my bed. I put on the walls only non-official cards. The biggest one is from the UK sent by my dear friend Alan. I have more cards from him, but they are posted on another wall. The one with owl is from Debe, Germany and the one with teddies from a french friend Jan. The first one is from another british friend Bill. The last (2nd) one has been sent to me by one of my old penpals, with whom I'm unfortunately not communicating now.

Other postcards and envelopes I keep in boxes, albums and storage baskets. The first album is for the Postcrossing cards (it's already full, wow!) as well as the one with a red drawn ribbon. In this box I keep Postcrossing cards, that are oversized, shaped or go with envelopes. The basket keeps my recent mail, but I am going to buy some files to store the mail by sender. The green one also keeps envelopes.

As for the supplies, then these are my favourites. Some of the stickers I use most, also my favourite washi tapes (it's not all I have, but just the favourites), and, of course, my favourite pens. I prefer the black one to write with and a white one to decorate. And of course, where would I go without an owl rubber ^^  and a nice pencil. Also I'm using the mat for crafting and writing letters, helps me to save my damaged-without-it-table :D

I have a lovely shelf (not pictured here) where I keep my cardmaking supplies, such as paper, stickers, brads and the stamps, of course. This is a box with my inkpads and stickers. I don't have a lot, my collection is only growing!

As well as for cardmaking supplies, I have a seperate shelf for my mail supplies. This is where I keep my empty postcards, stickers, envelopes and other little additions.

Well, this is it so far! How do you keep your supplies? Tell me in comments!

Toffy xxx

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