
Sunday 8 June 2014

TUTORIAL: Tea Vintage Paper

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your snail mailing days, sun and winds, ice cream and vacations, which are coming soon or already did.
A few days ago I've opened for myself a new great site for those, who share the love of snailmailing. It's such a warm and nice community, I'm glad I've joined - thank you, Fab, for creating this cozy place for us all.
There during some discussion the theme of paper crafting occured and I promised to share my experience of tea colored paper. There are lots of such tutorials on the WEB, but here is mine!

This method is perfect for those, who are in the same deep love for vintage as I am.
For creating this paper I will use and you will need:

  • Writing paper printables (I am using this, my favourite paper + envelope set)
  • A deep bowl for crumpled paper OR a deep flat tray for smooth paper
  • Strong tea essence (tea leaves preferred instead of bags)
  • A tray or any other flat surface

STEP 1. First of all, prepare your paper sheets. It should be a black-and-white printable or just a usual office paper list. I chose this paper set by Mintprintables, which I used some times before. Make sure it's a needed size, because after the tea procedure, you won't be able to cut it well.
STEP 2. Fill the bowl or tray with your tea. It should be a strong black one to give a good color to your paper list. 
STEP 3-4. Here can be a few different variants. If you want to make an effect of a really old paper list, crumple the list and put it in the bowl. In case you want your paper sheet stay smooth and flat, put it very carefully into the deep tray and with your fingers carefully let it dive a bit. If needed, put something over it. NOTE that the crumpled list will not have color on all the sides - some spots will stay uncolored with tea unless you carefully unfold the paper and putting closed angles into the water. Also try to turn over the list for smooth variant.
STEP 5. Keep the paper sheet in tea as long as you want, but not less than 2 hours. Personally, I like leaving the sheet for a night, but even 3-4 hours are quite enough to get a soft color. When you are sure it's enough, carefully pick out your sheet. Be VERY careful, since it's wet and can be ripped easily (this is what happened during the tutorial creating lol). Put the paper onto the flat tray and let it dry. I don't advice to use the fan - it is better to leave it to dry naturally. It doesn't take very long, around 30-60 mins till it's completely dry.

And voila. You have a vintage looking paper sheet. It might seem a bit time taking, but it's crafty and it's fun! Paper really changed it's state and is different on touch. I make it to write with ink on it.

I hope you enjoy this little experience tutorial and will use it (in case of re-blogging please mention the original tutorial creator).

Here is a 1 year old example of the letter I made with this tea idea.



  1. I just love your blog! Great work!

    - Melissa from the postal Society!

    1. Thank you very much :) I hope to change my design soon, to make it better, and then to try and post some more interesting tutorials. I hope this blog will live! :D

